Thursday, July 14, 2011

Do you think I could really be preggers?

Hi everyone my LMP was 5/21 and I O'd 5/31-6/4 and me and my bf had sex 5/29-6/2. A few short days after sex my nipples began to hurt really bad which is unusual for me, then I started having period cramps so I was under the impression I would start again but I didnt. My next symptom was frequent urination, at first I thought it was all in my head but everyone around me noticed it too. Then I had some weird twinges and gurgles in my lower pelvis and mild nausea bt no vomiting. Then one day I woke up and all my symptoms were gone which was also weird. Just as I thought it was over i started getting headaches more often having early menestrual cramps backaches and still constant peeing. We were ttc a few months ago but when it didnt happen we kinda just set it back and now this. My period is due in 2 days 6/17 and normally when my period is about to start I have cramping a week prior to bleeding sore boobs which i dont have but my nipples are feeling a little funny, i normally have loose bowels the whole week of af but im not going as often as before, my face breaks out but nt this month, and i am experiencing a lot of watery discharge and its making me think my period has started. can anyone tell me what this sounds like? I havent really got my hopes up for a bfp cuz i dont wanna be disappointed again but it would be nice. Thanx 2 all who can help!!

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