Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Relationship Question?

Okay me and my boyfriend have been dating for a month. Ive noticed some things that are strange and wanted someone elses input on it. goes.. There are times each day when i txt him and he doesnt respond for an hour or more. Usually his responses are friendly and short.. he does say i love you and that he misses me. His lengthy sweet txt happen at night... hardly ever in the daytime. He only comes to see me on my lunch break which is at 2am and on my days off but again he mostly comes at night. When his phone rings when we are together he ignores it and hardly ever answers his phone when we are together. We went to the bar together the other night and he left me there saying he had to go pick up a friend and would be right back.. well he never came back and instead met me out at our spot at the lake. He says he loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me but he has stood me up so many times always with some excuse. Ive talked to mutual friends of ours and theyve all told me he does NOT have another girlfriend, that hes not that way and that hes NOT dealing drugs.. lol I had to ask.. hes NOT married and hes NOT gay.... ive asked alot of questions lol... and I know at least one of these friends is telling the truth because hes been a very good friend of mine for a while and has never lied to me.. so my question is this... what the hell is going on?? Is he just scared? Should I be worried? Should I chill out and just accept my time with him when I can get it or should I just ask him point blank what is going on? Ive never been in a relationship like this before. Ive dated players before and trust me.. he doesnt fit the type of player that Ive ever messed with before so I dont think hes playing me.. that and he doesnt get anything from me. Weve had sex yes but he never asks for it and he never pushes for it and hes never asked me for money, or anything like that... in fact he buys ME things sometimes.... so can someone please help me figure this out? Cuz its all very weird to me lol

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