Saturday, July 16, 2011

I have had a UTI for 3 months and my family won't take me to the doctor?

I am 17 and I've had this UTI probably started 3 months ago. It's been very painful and urination is so frequent it's annoying and i have the worst deep sensational pain in my pelvis when I feel it getting harder to hold it any longer. i live with my dad and he wont take me.. i try to ask him and he walks off and ignores me or shuts the door (he never really conversates). i don't go to school or anything so theres nobody else that could help me. he says we can;t afford it and I know we can't but we have insurance but he acts like its still going to cost a lot. im suffering and im tired of this neglect. he's done it for years but this UTI is getting unbearable! he knows the seriousness of it but he thinks i just fake all of this.

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