Sunday, July 10, 2011

Am i pregnant or not i have all these symptoms?

since i started having unprotected sex with my boyfriend my period has stopped for about 6 months not pregnant or anything of that nature i was diease free i've always had irregular period just not for that long until now but recently me and him had sex on the 2nd of june. he always injaculates in me but it always just comes right out when i stand but this time i put my legs up for about 5 mintues after sex and NONE of it came out so the next day i was cramping really bad brown discharge and blood came out then my period came two days later it worst crampin i have ever experienced it lasted for four days ended on a thursday but then that friday i had just brown stinky discharge with a little blood mind you the period was over with. i took a pregnacy test 3 of them all negative so i said okay i'm not pregnant but then i started having morning sickness. started having loss of apetite little bumps on my nipples huge nipples horrible acne hitting me all at once back pain i've been going to be at nine i've been terribly thirsty i feel little flutters in my stomach i have gas diharehha constat urination. so i took a blood test and i will be getting the result in a few days so i was just wondering do you think im pregnant? is it too early to tell by a blood test and urine test ? its been 18 days since the sex soo HELP please

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